Whether you want to contact us in commercial and supplier matters or you just want an advice about your job, you can reach us at the following contacts. You can agree on personal appointments or business meetings with our back office. We print with you, for you!
MAFRA a.s.
Karla Engliše 519/11
150 00 Praha 5
Czech Republic
Company ID: 453 13 351
VAT number: CZ 453 13 351
Bank account:
CZ 1162141011/0100
IBAN CZ5701000000001162141011
SK 1423332001/1111
IBAN SK2911110000001423332001
Printing plant Prague
Tiskařská 2
108 00 Praha 10
Tel: 225 068 109
GPS: 50.0860611 N, 14.5228602 E
Printing plant Olomouc
Pavelkova 7
772 11 Olomouc
Tel: 583 803 112
GPS: 49.591278 N,17.2986384 E
Aleš Adam
Printing plant Sales director
+420 225 068 108
+420 725 370 966
Jan Adámek
International Sales director
+420 225 068 108
+420 734 517 216
Petr Turyna
Sales manager CZ/SK+420 734 517 178
Nela Svobodová
Sales officer of the printing plants
+420 225 068 109
+420 734 517 177
Sales officer of the printing plants
+420 225 068 115
+420 606 661 092
Karolína Klasová
Sales officer of the printing plants+420 225 068 115
+420 734 517 454
Petr Žlumov
Managing director +420 225 063 800
+420 724 401 522
Jan Valášek
Manager of the printing plant Prague +420 225 068 113
+420 734 517 374
Martin Staněk
Production managing director
+420 583 803 113
+420 734 517 380
Head of the centers
Radomír Havran
Purchasing manager
+420 583 803 170
+420 606 634 306
Miroslav Zeiner
HW&SW technician +420 225 068 217
+420 734 520 945
Olga Houžvíková
Production controlling manager Prague
+420 225 068 403
+420 602 643 047
Ladislav Joukl
+420 225 068 150
+420 602 275 268
Jiří Lottmann
+420 583 803 116
+420 734 517 370
Patrik Matějka
Production manager of the printing plant Prague
+420 225 068 401
+420 777 618 474
Radek Lamka
Production manager of the printing plant Olomouc+420 583 803 125
+420 602 275 323
Ondřej Zhouf
Production manager of the printing plant Prague +420 225 068 401
+420 605 504 201
Roman Žajgla
Production manager of the printing plant Olomouc
+420 583 803 125
+420 734 517 183
Jiří Beneš
Mailroom manager Praha
+420 225 068 420
+420 734 517 486
Tomáš Černý
Mailroom manager Praha
+420 225 068 420
+420 734 517 486
Radek Kluka
Mailroom manager Olomouc
+420 583 803 140
+420 602 660 702
Lukáš Tůma
Service Manager Prague
+420 225 068 200
+420 734 517 420
Pavel Mazal
Service Manager Olomouc +420 583 803 200
+420 777 028 340